My own story
The reality that therapy and treatment are needed came to me, starkly in my early twenties when my gifted, talented, witty brother had a mental breakdown. He was jumping on cars, staying awake all night and blaring his stereo- a classic psychotic manic episode. Eventually, he was admitted for psychiatric treatment. His journey has been part of my own. Through his treatment, I saw the necessity of the medical model of care, but also the limitations. I saw the imperative of tranquillisers and the value of the lauded Lithium, but there was an absence of a holistic perspective that left him without understanding and sometimes without dignity.
Having studied Maths and Economics, I turned to Social Work and Psychotherapy, in particular within the psychiatric setting, qualifying in 1990. Since then, I’ve worked as a private practitioner focusing on all aspects of mental health.
I’ve worked hard to promote mental health and wellbeing in the workplace, years before it became a popular subject. I gave talks and presentations, convinced management of its value and ultimately got them to put their money behind the health of their staff- something I’m very proud of.
Becoming a “relationship expert” and podcaster was kind of accidental. After being asked a number of times to contribute on the radio, I found myself comfortable in that space and enjoyed the reach and impact that I could have. It’s like providing therapy wholesale, and I could see the benefit that it could be to all those who might never seek or want such help, but just happened to tune in
Now, I contribute each week as “relationship expert” on Newstalk Radio shows and regularly on Ireland AM – the nation’s only morning TV show and produce a weekly podcast Tough Love with Mairead Loughman.