Let’s be honest this is tough. So you need to be good to yourself. I know you’re minding everyone else- caring or worrying about them. Shopping or cooking for them.
But there will be days when you’re just going to feel a little low, flat and exhausted, and you know what- that’s ok!
I know there’s a lot of messages about keeping productive having a structure and I give those messages too, because they are helpful.
But you know it’s also ok just not to be up to that for a few days and to acknowledge that you need a little rest from all the effort.
And if you can’t see that for yourself and create a space for yourself and recognise your needs then you can misunderstand your low energy days and think they’re something bigger.
So if you’re homeschooling home working, parenting and juggling, or if you’re less busy and just trying hard to keep going forward remember it’s no harm to lower those standards some days. Give yourself that break and your energy will lift naturally.
Do less for others and more for you.
Run that bath.
Read that magazine or just look at the pictures.
Let yourself flop.
That’s it – don’t be great today.
Be kind to you!